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District Deputy Gordon Jefferes Presenting Honorary Lifetime Awards To George Duane, Jay Gress, And Mike Ford For 25 Years of Service To The Council!!
District Deputy Gordon Jefferes Presenting Honorary Award To Mike Desmarais....3rd Grand Knight of the Council!
Grand Knight Bill Robinson Presenting Honorary Award to Gordon Jefferes...1st Grand Knight of the Council!
Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Bill Robinson Presented Deacon & Past Grand Knight Jerry Cassidy "The Book of Gospels" At the 9:30 Mass On Sunday, August 16, 2020, In Honor Of His Ordination As Deacon.
Matt Canavin, Gene Burpoe, and Joe Gothie (Photographer) delivered coats to St. Veronica's on Sunday, December 1, 2019.
Thanks to all that donated coats...look at all the Happy Faces!!!
Great job!!!